Monday, April 14, 2008

From the Broken Pieces Comes a New Creation

Its 5:30am. I have been wanting for weeks to wake up this early and have a morning quite time; today, God granted my wish. Yesterday some of you might have read my blog, and got a bit concerned for me. Although I the last thing I wanted to was a raise up the pity flag, I had to have an arena for the frustrations that have been building within me for the last several months...

I lost my focus, my purpose, my drive. I took my eyes off what mattered most, my Savior, and put them on myself; of course, this led to the current state of affairs.

Last summer I was challenged in Romania, when I was encountered with the fact that outside my small world of an 8-5 job and soaking up sunny Florida, there was a hurting world all around me.

But in the last 8 months, what have I done about it... nothing.

Time for a change. Far too long my focus has been inward. As of today, I no longer exist. I want to become a transparent vestal, a pot, created and formed for a purpose. I want to be filled, overflow, and pour out in service all that He blesses me with.
Its all on the line. My time, money, focus, thoughts. I want them all laid on the alter of sacrifice for His Kingdom and His service.

Lord, break me, make me new again, fill me up, pour me out, break me again, then use me to be a healing hand in a hurting world.

"I'm here again, a thousand miles away from you,
A broken man, the scattered pieces of who I am,
I tried so hard, thought I could do this on my own,
I have lost so much along the way.

Then I see your face,
I know I'm finaly yours.
I find everything I though I lost before.
You call my name.
I come to you in pieces, so you can make me whole."
--Pieces, by RED


Lindsay said...

thanks for sharing, its been very encouraging and God is clearly already using you

huskyseehuskydo said...


Dude, I totally dig RED, too! I gotta say "Pieces" is one of my favs.

It's Jennifer from Happened upon your blog and started going through it. I enjoyed our conversation the other day and I look forward to watching your ministry grow.