Okay, not to be one of those emo type that dumps random emotions into a blog.. but this is your warning, do not read further.
The opening line of the book I am writing states "Some time ago the hamster fell off the wheel…and frankly, I cannot remember when, but it has been a few years. I have grown tired, lax, and lazy. My zeal and pizazz are zapped by the daily gridlock and grind some of us in the city call “life.” Like a ship with mighty sails and no rudder, I aim to travel far, but find myself looping the bay in circles following the shoreline afraid of what deeper waters might hold..."
Frankly, I cannot think of a better way to express how I see my life right now. Yesterday I missed yet another friend's wedding; this being the third such even I was invited to in the last 6 month and was MIA despite my RSVP. I have been missing church, social events, and have become a reclusive homebody. I hate it.
I don't know what caused this, but I have lost the Funk, or rather gotten a bad case of it. If you are reading this, chances are you know me. I am a fun loving energetic person with a zest for life. I enjoy new things, road trips, and weekend adventures. I love to bike, having lost over 50lbs in 6 months doing said biking. However, in the last 6 months I have given up most activities that used to bring me joy, and began to live at home. At first it was due to the horrible migraine headaches that plagued me on a daily basis, but even those have subsided with the last one appearing over 2 months ago. During that time of extreme pain and frequent dizziness I was advised not to drive and became the homebody that I have slumped into today. Blockbuster employees see me more often that some of my friends. I drown myself in my work, and future dreams, often forgetting to live in the present and cease today for all the magnificance that it might potentially hold.
I just want my life back, but have no clue where to get it back from. I have changed, I fear for the worst.
Is there a way to go back? I know the lost time cannot be reclaimed, but where has my joy and pizazz gone?
I guess in short, I am simply asking for your prayers, and understanding as to the lack of my general presence in the social circles we all frequent.
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