My last blog was one that told of a rather bothersome dream I had. As we all look around at the current state of our nation and world, your heart might too be burdened. I have been praying diligently, asking the Lord how we should respond as Christians to the world in the current economic and social conditions that are presenting themselves to us on an almost hourly basis.
The blogs that I will be writing over the next few weeks are specific verses and areas the Lord has shown me as He works in my life to clean me up and purify (sanctification) it for His purposes.
All of these have spoken to the core of my life, causing me to careful examine my attitudes, purposes, motive, actions, and ultimately, my core character as a Christian.
"The end of all things is near. Therefore, be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should so it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." -- 1 Peter 3:15
For those who have known me for a number of years, they understand that I have adult attention deficit disorder and often have a hard time being clear minded and self-controlled in my speech and sometimes my actions. This is who I am apart from the power of the Holy Spirit working within me. Always quick witted, prideful and sarcastic with responses, I can be downright ugly in my relations to others. For many months last year I was unhappy, complaining, and venting my life-frustrations on any ear that would listen to my pity-party of events. God humbled me around November 12th when I lost my job and a well orchestrated series of trials, tests, and opportunities was placed before me. I call them opportunities, because that is what they were; opportunities for God to show His glory as he began to refine and work in my life.
The first thing on the chopping block was my attitudes. I was told once, "control what you can control, the rest I promise will work itself out in time." I had failed to control a simply thing like my attitudes, which were then reflected in my speech. When I did serve God, I did so with very selfish motives, often to advance my own agenda, or propel myself forward into the direction that I felt I was supposed to go. Are you hearing a word a lot in the last paragraph? I, I, I. As the Holy Spirit began to do His work, the words of the scriptures cut through my heart like a knife.
It was time for a change, a different way of living. The transition did not happen overnight; I am still in the middle of it. That strength that is promises us in verse 11, I have learned to tap into that daily. I have to ask for that strength by relinquishing control of everything. I can only receive that after I admitted that I was helpless to control my life on my own.
It all started when I placed my faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord, then trusted Him daily with my life. I can barely put into words the peace that I now have in the midst of this on-going trial. I will attempt to write about it over the next few blogs.
If you find yourself lost in a sea of uncertainty today and need to know where to turn, my friend it is just a prayer away. I would love to talk more with you! Please email me, brandon at project419 dot org 0r message me on skype anytime you see my status as "online" from this blog.
Bless you today!
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