Abba Father
I kneel humbled in your presence, filled with your grace and awe struck by your unyielding love. O Lord I am without words to express how wonderful you are mountain maker, soul creator. You set the Earth on its axis, taught it to spin and numbered its days. You spoke life into existence, your very words composing the building blocks of all things. Your alone are eternal and worthy to be praised for all of time!
Lord you said ask and I'll give the nations to you...
Allowing us to be your workers in foreign lands that our mind's eye could never conceive. Using our dirty feet to go and calling them beautiful, using our vial lips to speak and calling them anointed, filling our impure minds with dreams and desires for your kingdom and calling them renewed. Lord purify our hearts and set them apart, holy vessels to be filled with your Spirit. Lord guide our paths that they might be straight and follow that perfect and narrow path blazed by your one pure Son. Lord take our lives and clothe them in the righteousness of your Son, that we may reflect Him alone to a world in longing.
Lord you said ask and I'll give the nations to you...
But do we know what we ask?
Foxes have holes but the Son of Man had no place to lay His precious head; O Lord that we might be blessed to be homeless for your sake!
O Lord all who followed you, the first twelve, all lost their lives for your message. O Lord who are we to want to hold on to that which is but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow; may our existence be only for you! A gift of the nations cost your Son His only life, may we be ever so humbly honored to give ourselves to Him in return.
Lord you said ask and I'll give the nations to you...
May we understand what it is that we ask for! Lord remove the scales from our eyes that we may see a hurt and perishing world all around us! O Lord that we could be used to reflect even the tiniest measure of your never-ending grace! Lord crush our hearts with the burdens of the world, for only a broken and contrite heart can you use. Lord give us ears to hear the cries of those all around us! Lord pour us out and make us like clean and empty earthen vessels ready to be filled only with you! Use these vessels, O Lord only as you direct them, for your Holy Spirit is the hands guiding the pot. Pour us out Lord, a holy drink offering for you!
O Lord, we ask you for the Nations.
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